Panama City map with visitor information
Panama City map with tourist attractions and streets and Avenues. Panama City map with tourist attractions and visitor information, map of Panama with streets neighborhoods references. Panama City map of routes. Map of Panama For tourists who go to Panama, get oriented in the city. On the Panama City map with tourist attractions. you will be able to find all the directions of streets and avenues of the City of Panama.
Find any address in the Panama City map, created with GoogleMaps technology.
Among the most important attractions in Panama City we have the Panama Canal, the Interoceanic Canal Museum, the Metropolitan Cathedral of Panama, the Biomuseo in Calzada de Amador, Snorkeling and Diving in Taboga Island, a cable car ride in Gamboa.
Map of Panama with tourist attractions.
Panama City map
Panama City is located in Panama (Central America) and is located on the latitude of North 9 ° 00 ’14 «and on the longitude of West 79 ° 31′ 07».
The city of Panama is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Panama. It is located on the shores of the Gulf of Panama, in the Pacific Ocean, east of the mouth of the Panama Canal. and occupies an area of 275 km2
Panama City is the most cosmopolitan city in Central America, close to one million inhabitants live in this growing metropolis, a city of skyscrapers, banks and multinationals, with marked architectural and historical contrasts.
Panama City offers you 3 cities in one; The Ruins of Panama La Vieja, Casco Antiguo and the modern City of Panama .
Panama City map with directions of Streets and Avenues.
In the Panama City map you can find any address by name of Streets and Avenues. This Panama City Map is made with GoogleMaps Technology
Map of Panama City. Satellite view and information of Panama City. Online Panama City map, Panama Googlemap. Google Map Panama map of the city.
The City of Panama is an important center for international trade and banking, with more than 80 accredited banks in the country.